Historical roundtable about 175 years of diplomatic relations between Romania and Belgium
Business Round Table  Connecting economy and civil society
Europe 2020 strategy and the role of decentralised cooperation Iasi, open city: mayor Chirica
Romanian Agency for Regional Development North East (ADR Nord-Est)
BEROBA, CEGEKA, Flanders Investment and Trade, Katty Fashion Ltd., RELIANS Funding opportunities, ROMSOFT
The role of local authorities and civil society organizations in implementing the strategic objectives of the European Commission  VVSG: Ward Kennes
UNCJR: Liliana Mangeac
Workshop: Health care Dental care: Alex Stoian
Vasile Cepoi: integrated health provision
Health Masterplan
Organisation of family doctors: Anca Deleanu
Slatina-Timiș Case Study: Cristina Vladu
Workshop: Civil society Working together for a warmer society: Johny Bambust
Value of Youthwork and supporting Youthwork in the local community: Ben Verstreyden
Workshop: Social economy
Workshop: Rural development Didier Huygens. Leader: actors for implementation.
Water4life: moviewebsite and presentation
Workshop: Administrative capacity building
Workshop: Fire safety Fire Safety
Fire Safety 2
Conclusions of workshops and 2015-2017 agenda The Forum 2015-2017 agenda